The Battle Continues
Spokane considers burning sewer sludge after outcry over fertilizer use
Spokesman Review Newspaper, Wed., March 28, 2018.
Excerpt: Late last month, the city [of Spokane] signed a contract to explore the possibility of burning that sludge at its Waste-to-Energy plant amid concerns the so-called “biosolids” retained chemicals that could be harmful if absorbed in the ground water.
The link in the above sentence points to a story about our Protect Mill Canyon Watershed campaign. We are still making waves!
News About Our Local Campaign and Victory
Permit will limit use of treated sludge on Lincoln County farm, By Jim Camden, The Spokesman Review, Dec. 23, 2017
E. Washington farm receives scaled-down biosolids permit, by Matthew Weaver, Capital Press, Dec. 21, 2017
Eastern Washington group reaches compromise on plan to spread sewage on farm, by Samantha Wohlfeil, The Pacific Northwest Inlander, Dec 21, 2017.
Citizen’s Group Happy with Sludge Decision by Steve Jackson, Spokane Public Radio, Dec. 20, 2017.
A Small Committee of Lincoln County Neighbors Goes Up Against the Waste-Industrial Complex of Sewage Sludge Slingers, Nature’s Advocate, a publication of the Upper Columbia River Group, a Sierra Club chapter, Fall 2017, page 1.
Sewage Sludge Threatens Mill Canyon Aquifer and Organic Farms, The Crest, Washington State Sierra Club Journal, Volume 36, Issue 3, Pg. 11 – Fall 2017
Guest Opinion: Keep Sewage Sludge Off Farmland, Morton Alexander and Chrys Ostrander, Spokesman Review, October 14, 2017.
Lincoln County residents fight biosolids on nearby farm by Jim Camden, Spokesman Review, September 27, 2017
Making a Stink By Samantha Wohlfeil, The Pacific Northwest Inlander, Sept. 21, 2017
–Letter to Inlander Editor From Committee Member Morton Alexander
WA group starts campaign to stop use of biosolids on ag land by Matthew Weaver, Capital Press, September 7, 2017
Press Release: Citizen Committee Opposed to Dumping of Sewage Sludge on Agricultural Land Calls for Statewide Moratorium on Permits to Spread Sewage Sludge on Agricultural Lands. Issued Sept. 6, 2017.
Mill Canyon residents organize to protect air and water, The Fig Tree, Vol. 34, No. 7, Sept., 2017
Ecology: No threat in biosolid use on ag lands, Capital Press, August 14, 2017
Spokane Public Radio News, Aug. 10, 2017 (mp3 audio file)
Committee forms to ‘protect’ Mill Canyon area from application of bio-solids in grain fields, Davenport Times, Aug. 10, 2017.
KYRS Spokane, Earth Matters Now, Aug. 8, 2017 (mp3 audio file)
PMCW Press Release: Municipal sewage sludge threatens residents in rural eastern Washington, Issued August 8, 2017